Living on the prairies the seasonal changes provide us with a keen awareness of the passage of time.
Looking back over my life I see it as a series of seasons, and there truly is a season for everything.
Sometimes I just want to put out my foot and slow it down, like on the push merry-go-round in the park when I was a kid. I can’t do that but what I can do is be in the moment, one breath at a time. That does slow things down and calms my busy brain down ~ my thoughts that tend to skip ahead or take a stroll down memory lane.
Honouring the never-ending, yet delightful seasonal changes I hooked these four rugs.
Designed and hooked by Nancy Crites. Wool, silk and mohair hooked on linen and each piece measures 21 x 21″.
Here is my Body Scan Meditation to help you slow down, go inward and connect with your body.