The past two years have given us the opportunity to reflect. For myself personally I was pulled to reflect on the circle of my life ~ where I’ve been, what I’ve done and next steps, as I create new beginnings ~ opportunities for joy, exploration and expansion.
When the pandemic occurred living in Victoria was no longer an option for me due to family matters, and I have returned to Calgary. I continue to be grateful for the opportunity to work successfully with my wonderful clients virtually, and to create a studio space for my work as a fibre artist focussing on rug hooking.
There is a thread of joy and purpose that connects working in the creative arts to the healing arts.
Having been a fibre artist for the past 50 years, and an energy worker/holistic practitioner for 25 years I see how similar both practices are. Both present a unique situation ~ an individual or a new rug, requiring a step-by-step approach to create a plan for a successful outcome. Looking deeply, evaluating, pivoting or changing course completely, and fine-tuning along the way. No two rugs or people are the same, honouring the unique requirements to arrive at the goal.
Rug hooking is a mindful practice, one loop at a time, keeping you focussed on the here and now, just like healing and following a holistic protocol, it’s one mindful step at a time, and make changes as needed, and the work is always in progress.
No two people are the same, every person requires a personal approach and a unique protocol to provide healing to create a state of homeostasis.
Like people, no two are rugs the same, even if they were made from the same pattern, my perspective, the colours, materials and each loop is unique.
My creative practice in the arts enriches my work as a holistic practitioner it reminds me to approach my work with a ‘beginner’s mind’, seeing with a fresh perspective, being open to new approaches, honouring the journey and celebrating the outcome.
I am humbled as I look back over the past many years and realize how precious the journey is, thank you for being here, as clients, customers, friends, or as part of the qigong community.
What have the past two years brought to your life? Share in the comments below, or email directly at my new number, 403-389-6940.
Check out my rugs on my new website, nancycritesfibreartist.